Drama and Theatre

Welcome to Beaumont's Drama Department

Induction Lesson

1) Watch the video below. It contains an introduction to the department and the instructions for your induction lesson.

2) You will need this music track for your work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67C6EHUxeG4 (‘On We March’ - from the soundtrack to ‘Social Network’).

3) The presentation below the video supplements the instructions given in the induction lesson.

Summer Work

1) Miss Shepherd explains the summer work from 12min 30 seconds in the video and it can also be found on the last slide of the presentation.

2) You will need the script at the bottom on this page for the task.

Text - please buy a copy of this in preparation for September


Penguin Modern Classics


By Peter Shaffer

Induction Lesson

Drama & Theatre Y12 Induction

Script for Summer Work

2020-05-14 15-09.pdf

Drama in the Sixth Form

Watch this video to get an impression of what you can look forward to in September.