CTEC Sport

Welcome to Beaumont's PE Department

Induction Lesson

1) Watch the lesson below and take part in the tasks outlined in the video. For students who are joining Beaumont, you will currently not be able to join the google classroom mentioned in the video but please complete the tasks and have them ready for September.

Summer Work

1) This is explained at the end of the induction video (46mins). Take a video of you doing some isolated skills in a team sport that you play outside of school. If you are currently a student a Beaumont, upload this to the google classroom mentioned. If you are joining Beaumont or a consortium student please bring these videos in September.

Textbook - in preparation for the star of the course in September, please purchase a copy of the textbook below

OCR Cambridge Technicals in Sport and Physical Activity https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cambridge-Technicals-Level-Physical-Activity/dp/1471874850

Induction Lesson and Summer Work

Sport in the Sixth Form Introduction - watch this video to get an impression of what you can look forward to in September.