Year 7
You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.
The Tempest
Create a timeline of events in the play
Interview each of the characters on the island: what do they think of the island? What was their experience like? What do they think of Prospero?
Create a top trumps game for all the characters (and you could extend this to include mythical characters, and characters from Private Peaceful/Holes)
Create your own myth
Choose a myth and recreate it into a storyboard/a film/a comic book/an audio book etc.
Private Peaceful / Holes
Create a board game e.g. Snakes and Ladders, but each square has a question about the novel. If a person lands on the square they can roll again in they answer the question correctly.
If you class read Private Peaceful, then have a go at reading Holes, or vice versa.
Year 8
You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.
A Christmas Carol
Create a timeline of events in the novel
Turn one scene from the novel into a script
Recreate the story for a modern reader in 2020
Newspaper Report
Turn a film into a newspaper report
Turn a newspaper article into a 1 minute script for a TV journalist
Write a newspaper report on Shylock’s court case
The Merchant of Venice
Do a crime investigation board for all the characters, their whereabouts, and their connections to one another
Imagine Shylock was sentenced to life in prison. His story has been turned into a Netflix documentary. What would episode one be about?
Create a top trumps game for all the characters (and maybe for A Christmas Carol characters, too!)
Year 9
You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.
Of Mice and Men
Create a timeline of events in the novella
Interview each of the characters on the ranch: What do they think about the working conditions? What do they think about George/Lennie/Crooks/Curley’s Wife etc?
Make a model of the ranch
Travel Writing
Create your own travel documentary
Create a vision board: where would go once the world is up and running again as normal? Collate pictures, places, tourist attractions etc. that you would like to visit
Romeo and Juliet
Recreate the story for a modern audience: it has been turned into a six-part Netflix documentary. What would episode one be about?
Create a top trumps game for all the characters (and maybe for Of Mice and Men characters, too!)
Create masks for Romeo and Juliet to wear to the masquerade ball
Research other Shakespearean tragedies. What other titles do you find? What are the other tragedies about? How similar/different are they to Romeo and Juliet?