
Year 7

You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.

The Tempest


Private Peaceful / Holes

Year 8

You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.

A Christmas Carol

Newspaper Report

The Merchant of Venice

Year 9

You have complete free reign over how you complete the tasks: you can type, write, draw, film, dance, record, sing your chosen activity and produce it however you like! Simply post up the work you have decided to complete by Monday 20th April.

Of Mice and Men

Travel Writing

Romeo and Juliet